We guide you along the EHCP journey.

The timeline is key to help you know your rights.

EHCP Process - from Needs Assessment to Plan.

1-6 weeks:

The local authority processes the application and will inform you of their decision whether to assess your child or decline the application, leaving you the choice to attend a mediation meeting and appeal.

6-12 weeks:

Assessment and evidence gathering stage. The LA will contact various professionals listed in the application and others they feel are necessary. The professionals have 6 weeks to meet and assess your child and respond to the LA.

At week 12 the LA must decide whether they are going to proceed to a full EHCP and inform you of their decision.

Weeks 13-16:

Issuing the draft to you should be done by week 14 & a copy will be sent to all those who contributed. Parents have 15 days to respond to the draft and name a school of their choice. We are often asked to get involved in the process at this stage as parents want the reassurance from independent educational professionals that the provision in Section F is correct and relevant to achieving the objectives set out in Section E.

If by week 12 the decision was to not issue an EHCP, then the LA must notify the parents of this decision and their right of appeal; this must be done by week 16.

Weeks 17-20:

Between these weeks the LA should issue the final EHCP naming the school the child or young person will be attending.

What next?

The annual review gives the parents, child, LA & school an opportunity to reflect on the last year and suggest changes. Faye and Kate are often asked by families to rejoin the process at this stage, to attend the annual review meeting with parents to provide a professional opinion and raise specific questions regarding progress.

Parents should know both Faye and Kate are educationalists, not lawyers. They have a wealth of knowledge and experience writing EHCP’s on behalf of parents and can advise if the situation might potentially require legal representation.