FAQs about EHCPs

  • How does the process work?

    We establish where you are with assessments and the gathering of evidence before advising you on the next steps. These could be things for you to do or how we can help.

  • Will an EHCP help my child?

    An EHCP is a legal document that specifies the additional provision that a child needs at school to access the curriculum with success.

    The outcomes and provision needed varies with each child, each diagnosis and each setting.

    We can help you get this right.

  • What assessments do I need?

    We can advise you about the most appropriate assessments to access and give the evidence to support a successful application.

    Reports commissioned privately are valid if they have been carried out by a professional with the right qualifications using correct procedures.

  • What happens if the LA does not agree to assess?

    There are different options.

    It is possible to reapply at a later date, with further privately sourced information.

    It is always possible to appeal the decision. If this is the case we recommend approaching a SEND lawyer.

  • Should I apply as a parent or ask the school to?

    Parent applications require the evidence to be presented in a different way to a school application. Often parent led applications are more successful.

    Schools will always need to be involved and evidence gathered from them.

  • Can you help me with the Annual Review?

    The answer is yes.

    We often work with families to review provision, particularly at key transition times.

    We can support you at every stage - virtually, or if necessary, in person.