How we help….

We look at all of the things that impact on learning and engagement.

Learner profiling gives you a way forward to help your child.

What’s involved in Learner Profiling?

  • Areas of concern

    Firstly we identify what your concerns are, looking at the following?

    Memory, Listening, Literacy, Maths, Understanding, Attention, Speaking, Emotions and Feelings, Senses, Vision, Physical Coordination, Time Management, Auditory, Organisation

  • Gathering more detail

    The next stage gathers information from school, home, tutors and your child.

    Using online tools and interviews we look at the all of the things that impact on learning to help us understand the behaviours observed and difficulties experienced.

  • The outcome

    Using the information gathered, and considering areas of interest and personal strength, we give you a written report of the findings with practical, proactive advice for home and school.

    If onward referral is appropriate we will explain why and provide advice.

FAQs about Learner Profiling?

  • Do I need to tell the school?

    The input from school is really important since this is usually where the problems are observed and learning is affected.

    What happens at home is important too and often other difficulties are seen at home. We need to consider the whole picture.

    If there is tutoring or home schooling information can be gathered in a similar way.

  • How old does my child need to be?

    The profiling is research based and all questions are age and developmental stage appropriate.

    This is relevant for children aged between 4 and 16.

    Their input is important and is gathered in a way that they are comfortable with. It’s not about testing, it’s being a detective.

  • What difference will this make?

    The report explains the findings and provides specific advice.

    It is written in a way that meets your needs so you can share it with others.

    The holistic process provides you with a clear understanding of your child’s profile.

    Informing and empowering - it enables you to make decisions.