Equipping parents with solutions, confidence and knowledge.
Answering your questions or concerns about your child.
A solutions focused approach.
We are here to help you, whatever your questions or concerns about your child in education.
We are a unique team of education specialists with specific experience in teaching, learning and special educational needs.
We provide a solutions focused approach to the challenges that you and your child face. That may be a change of school, a worry about engagement or lack of progress or an aspect of the Education Health and Care Plan (EHCP) process.
We provide a variety of educational advisory services. If appropriate we work alongside speech and language therapists, physiotherapists, occupational/sensory specialists, psychologists and psychotherapists to provide a holistic approach to your situation.
Whether your child is in a mainstream, independent or specialist school we are here to answer your questions and provide structured advice using our wealth of knowledge and connections.
Our relationships with educational psychologists and other clinical specialists enable us to provide a multi-disciplinary approach, putting your child’s needs at the centre.
We look beyond the labels and have experience across a wide range of Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND), including:
Auditory Processing
Developmental Delay
Executive Functioning
Handwriting, Physical and Motor Function
School Refusal
Sensory Processing
Speech and Language
‘A child or young person has SEN if they have a learning difficulty or disability which calls for special educational provision to be made for him or her.’
A child of compulsory school age or a young person has a learning difficulty if he or she:
Has a significantly greater difficulty in learning than the majority of others of the same age, or,
Has a disability which prevents of hinders him or her from making use of facilities of a kind generally provided for others of the same age in mainstream schools or mainstream post-16 institutions.’
The Special Educational Needs Code of Practice 2015
Data collected suggests that around 12% of the current school population has SEN, although this figure may be even higher. Some children need the extra support of a legal document called an EHCP to access all the provision they need to flourish, whilst other children may simply need an independently guided, structured approach to access the appropriate SEN support from school.

The Educational Advisory Team
can help parents
with …..
EHCP Advice
Experienced and independent advice regarding all aspects of Education Health and Care Plans.
From consideration and initial application to review.
Plans for provision that match needs and outcomes.
Learner Advice
Learner profiling to find out why a child is struggling with learning or engagement and determine what is needed.
Practical strategies for school and home.
Specific advice for effective tutoring.
Understanding existing assessments and advice for provision - both now and in the future.
School Advice
Independent advice on school choices.
Key stage change, mainstream to specialist or best fit for your unique child.
Provision guidance or specialist advice to school.